Alowp..assalamualaikum..hye guys.. wad'dup?!,
seriously last post 22 August and post kali ni 21 September???,
I deserve a very big clap then.. ehehe
lame sangat tak mengupdate bloggie the bucuk saye ni,
very the busy cause PMR is JUST! around the corner!!! OH MY GUCCI!!,
in about 18 days! PMR akan membuka tirai.. and I was like.. GABRAH NYIIEEEWWWW..,
owh ya! trial hari tu, alhamdulillah... I'd got 6A's and 3 B's..,
and sekarang ni tengah busy apply SBP,
saye mintak SBPI Rawang, most of my friends nak mintak kat situ...,
inshaallah kalau dapat.. ade lah geng betol tak?? ngeeiii..
PENGUMUMAN! untuk semua UPSR and PMR 2012 candidates!,
permohonan untuk masuk SBP tahun 2013 dah dibuka and tarikh tutupnye adalah 30 OKTOBER!,
and for those yang tak tahu link nye.. jangan risau...
klik lah! ehehe!,
ok! that's all form me.. this may be the last post before PMR..,
lepas PMR, kite berdating balek.. and FOR SURE! I'll really update this blog sampai load! ehekehek,
for those PMR 2012's candidates, wish you guys a very good luck!!,
buat elok-elok and DO NOT! EVER! tryin' to cheat on the examination days.. wokeyh??,
ucapan khas daripade pihak penaja.. ahaha... doakan saye ye??? assalamualaikum! and peace no war!


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